Corrin & Jesse

We know that nobody gets to live a fairytale, but our shared story is pretty close. In nine years of knowing each other, we’ve laughed and cried. We’ve seen each other at our best and at our worst. We are human, and we’ve both messed up too many times to count, but we’ve still found acceptance.

We have been challenged, but we’ve also been mightily and repeatedly blessed — more than we deserve, and more than we ever expected. In each other, we’ve found a safe haven: a place to be vulnerable before each other and before God, and to learn how to be a godly man and woman who are desperate to find His will and do His desires in the short time He’s given us on Earth.

In just a few months, we’ll be taking the next step in our journey. It’s exciting and scary, but we are lucky to have the support of so many people who love and support us. We want to share our preparations for marriage with you, because you might not realize how special you are to us. Thank you for being an amazing family.

February 12, 2010

Honolulu, Hawai‘i